I love our first year packages. One of the best moments is seeing our little clients at their 3 month session. It’s after the newborn stage and they’ve grown into their features, they have a personality and they are not newborn any more. 3 Months is the first time we get to really see them out of the newborn stage and it is always so much fun!
We love 3 Months, even if it is a hard stage to photograph. Most 3 month old’s can’t sit up on their own and need head support. That little tid bit makes all 3 month sessions interesting and a little creative. But, this little lady rocked it regardless!
She did LOVE her hands. She loves her fingers and finding her hands which made it hard to see her giggles and smiles. Though, they were there a little! We did managed to tuck her hand in for a few photos to get some smiles.
One thing I really love and admire about her session is her blessing dress. Mom said it’s a tradition in their family to make their daughter’s blessing dress out of their wedding dress. Mom and Grandma spent about a week making her dress and it turned out beautifully! I asked mom if it was hard to cut into her dress and she agreed. She explained it was a tearful and sad experience but even more so a joyful and happy moment. Dad also was involved in her outfit. He made her headband, which I loved! It is the perfect combination of bling and simplicity!
3 Month Session Info
Photographer: Stacey Hansen Photography | Little Chair: Posing Pod | Valentine Banner: Hobby Lobby | Backgrounds: Intuition Backgrounds and Ink & Elm | Gold & Red Headbands: Kates Bows | White Headband: Dad made | Knitted Square:  Hookaholic