Goodness! Two sweet sisters and I am loving their adorable dresses! I can’t believe little Maggie is nearly 3 months old? Where did the time go? These two sisters make me adore their mom so much more! Boehme Summer Mini Session Logan Utah
We’ve been doing Themed Mini Sessions of Lily for 2 or more years. She has been SO much fun to capture. Lily is all personality and sass. She was lucky enough to get blessed with this little sister of hers a few months ago! So now we get to capture photos of BOTH of them!
Their sessions are always a good time because mom and I catch up on life. She’s good friends with my sister so we chat about life, kids, work, etc. She is the friendliest lady ever! I have loved getting to know her and Lily so much better and am excited to see Maggie grow into her own personality.
Pictures of the two sisters were quite interesting this time. Lily wasn’t sure about holding Maggie and Maggie wanted mom. Oh well, it happens. It’s still cute and it shows their personalities that we captured! We’ll have better luck next time!
Boehme Summer Mini Session Logan Utah

Boehme Summer Mini Session Logan Utah – First Year Session
Photographer: Stacey Hansen Photography | Background and Floors : Intuition Backgrounds
In Studio First Year Packages are the best! Watch your little one grow during their first year by letting us help. This package is perfect for that! Sessions at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months make for the best first year memories ever. I always adore getting to see and play with all my clients during these ages. Therefore, these ages are just the best! Cake Smash sessions at their 1 year appointments are usually my favorite!
Contact Stacey Hansen Photography to book your kids session. We love any age,from newborn and up. While the 6-9-12 month milestones are ideal, we can still capture some amazing memories for you at ANY age!
See more First Year Package photos in our Gallery!