Our Karson kid turns 3

Our kiddo is 3! What’s better for a 3 year old than a party themed to his delight? Time has flown by as the saying is. He is growing up and is the cutest kid in many instances. We adore Karson and loved to look back at his past year. Our Karson kid turns 3

My little Karson is officially 3. Wow. I can’t believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and waiting his arrival. Anxiously too. He completes our family and we all adore him. He is a sweet kid and does so many cute gestures. But don’t let him fool you, he is also stubborn and hot headed at times. He might take after his mom in a lot of ways. We celebrated his birthday in style with a NERF GUN themed party. He is super into guns and shooting and pretends that anything and everything is a gun. It’s pretty cute. His party was a blast and I’m so glad we were able to party in style.

Birthday Traditions

On his birthday, the two of us went to breakfast at Angie’s. A tradition I started last year with Kip that I’m going to try to keep up. I love spending some one on one time with them and don’t get too as much as I’d like. I think it’s special to be able to celebrate them with mom’s full attention on them. He got hot chocolate and we shared a waffle. It was very fun. The table across from us was an older couple and they commented on how cute and well behaved he was. (he fooled them, jk). He was adorable and sweet.

Here’s a summary of this past year.
  • Loves to give kisses – kisses your leg, arm, lips, face. Where ever. He kisses you better if you are hurt or sad and he loves to get kisses before anyone leaves! And hugs too.
  • Tender Hearted child
  • Wants mom to do almost everything for him
  • Eats really good at Grandma / Grandpa Hawkes house. He loves sharing muffins and eggs with Grandpa and eats way better at their house then at home.
  • We went to Disneyland for Kip’s 5th Karson got to go and had so much fun. The two rides with guns were his absolute favorite and he wanted to go on them over and over.
  • At Disneyland he hugged Winnie the Pooh and Spiderman.
  • He’s a little shy at first and likes to hide his face.
  • Loves to RUN. And CLIMB
  • In August, he fell and hit the back of his head and had to get 3 staples. It was a traumatic event and one that mom and dad don’t want to go through again.
  • We started building our house in July, and Karson’s favorite place to be is on the rocks or in the dirt.
  • Kip is his best friend. He plays super well with Kip and follows Kip’s lead on almost everything. They fight but they are also BBFs.
  • Karson started a Toddler Preschool class in September, he’s been going once a month for an hour. They play together, make a craft, get toys out and have a snack. It’s been really good for his social skills and he loves going. He doesn’t even cry or hold on to mom any more.
  • He is a water baby for sure. He’s been more and more into the water and will even get in and float on his own now. Last summer he loved to put his feet in but didn’t want to get in much and that has changed drastically!
  • Lava Hot Springs trip with the Hansen’s
  • We moved out of the trailer and the boys now have their own beds! It’s been really great to let them sleep in the same room but on their own space. They choose Ninja Turtles to decorate with. They also got to paint a wall in their room, with mom’s help.
  • Lake Powell and Goblin Valley with our fam
  • Started riding the Balance bike
  • Mom turned 40. Dad threw a surprise party and the boys loved it.
  • Loves wearing dads boots/shoes
  • Had a lot of fun in the snow. Didn’t love the tube but did ride it a couple times. He mostly liked riding in the jeep with dad to pick up the kids at the bottom of our hill.
  • Andy and I took the boys to Hawaii with Grandma/Grandpa Hansen in January. Karson loved the pool, beach, sand and just being on vacation. We got to see whales and Karson enjoyed pointing to them in the ocean.
  • Karson likes to lay in mom and dads bed to watch a movie at night and sometimes in the morning. He often asks mom “you seep with me” (You sleep with me?). it’s a pretty cute saying.
  • Loves to shoot. Pretends that all sorts of toys are guns and plays with them.
  • Graduated from his Up to 3 program and improved greatly on his speech.
  • He says funny things all the time. In Jan 2024 he kept saying, butt broken. He also says Okaayyyyy in a super cute way.

Our Karson kid turns 3

Our Karson kid turns 3!Our Karson kid turns 3!

Our Karson kid turns 3

Photographer: Stacey Hansen Photography

Contact Stacey Hansen Photography to book your family session. We can help capture your extended family session,  family of 3 and anywhere in between! We have a price that will work for your budget! Pricing starts at $165 for an outdoor mini session and goes up to $285 or $475+ for larger groups! We capture your special moments, posed pictures and some fun photos in between.  At Stacey Hansen Photography, we love different group photos, parents, kids, girls, boys, those silly shots and of course the canvas printed standard family photo that you will cherish forever!

SHP specializes in being FAST and EFFECTIVE! We have completed extended families with 15+ family members in 30 minutes with over 100 photos. We are fast so that your grandpas, dads, moms and kids can get through quickly but have those cherished memories and photos that you want. Fun and interactive photos as well as posed. There is never a better time to book photos than NOW. Call us today! Don’t wait!

You can see more family pictures in our Family Gallery! 

About Stacey Hansen

I'm a 30 something year old wife, mom, step mom, dog mom and photog! I'm passionate about capturing your memories in the moment and creating a unique client experience for all to love.