Box Elder Prom Dance Photos 2018

When I get a text from my niece asking if I’m interested in doing their prom pictures I jump for joy! I was thrilled to be able to take photos for Ashlynn and her group for Box Elder’s Prom a few weeks ago!  Box Elder Prom Dance Photos 2018

It was ironic the Box Elder Prom was here in Cache Valley. Seems a little different but fun. They were going to Castle Manor in Hyde Park for the dance so we met up just before they went to dinner to capture their photos.

We headed to the Gorgeous natural light studio in River Heights known as Station Studio. It’s the old Sinclair gas station. I grew up literally just around the corner from this place so it was fun to see all the remodel they did and be able to use it! We took a variety of pictures in their gorgeous dresses and suits and then sent them off to dinner. It’s always fun to capture high school dance photos, but even better when it’s family.

Box Elder Prom Dance Photos 2018

Box Elder Prom Dance Photos 2018

Photographer: Stacey Hansen Photography | Location: Station Studio, Logan Utah

Contact Stacey Hansen Photography to book your family, senior or Dance session. Whether it’s an extended family session,  family of 3 or an individual – we have a price that will work for your budget! We also do High School Dance Photos! We capture your special moments, posed pictures and some fun photos in between. There is never a better time to book photos than NOW. Don’t wait, get those pictures taken soon! | 435-770-8608

High School Dance photos are $20$-25 a couple or less depending on the number of couples in your group! Contact us for your next dance and let us capture your group! We can do digital photos, prints or both!

About Stacey Hansen

I'm a 30 something year old wife, mom, step mom, dog mom and photog! I'm passionate about capturing your memories in the moment and creating a unique client experience for all to love.