Tuesday June 26, 2018 – Hansen Logan Utah Birthstory
I had been home all morning. Relaxing around the house and trying to follow Dr orders. It was about noon and I was going to get ready and head into work for an hour or so to train a new employee. I got ready and and left the house at about 12:45. I stopped at Maverik in Wellsville to get my daily fix of Coke and grabbed a pizza for lunch. I got back in my car and started the jeep. I sat there for a minute and thought, I just peed my pants. That was weird. I usually only have peed my pants when I actually do something like sneeze, cough, throwup, etc. To just have peed was not normal for this pregnancy. I decided to hurry home and change my pants, I obviously couldn’t go to work like that. So here it is, our Hansen Logan Utah Birthstory
I got home ran into the bathroom and it was still leaking. I tried my hardest to hold it in and stop it. No luck. My pants were soaked but it was only a small drip by this point. I started googling what it meant for your water to break. I’m new to this whole thing since this is my first and I was sure you’d know your water broke. But no, I didn’t and nothing on google helped other than it was odorless and colorless. So i grabbed a towel and decided to find out. It looked clear and odorless. SHIT. I thought. I grabbed my phone and called Andy. I was hysterical. I was bawling and freaking out. TODAY of all days could not be the day. I had a Relay for Life meeting that night and we had a busy week with the photobooth and Relay for Life that weekend. I was only 35 weeks! It was NOT a good week. But of course, that’s how it happened.
On the phone with Andy, he said “Stac, this is a good thing. Calm down, it’ll be ok”. I said “It can’t happen today. It’s too early. He’s not ready. I don’t even have a bag packed”. Which is kinda funny because just a few days before I was telling my mom I needed to get a bag packed cause I had a feeling I’d need it. Of course I didn’t listen to that intuition and I did not have a bag packed. Andy said he was going to leave work and that would give me 20 minutes to get a bag packed.
I was frantic. Trying to recall what all I had on my internal “List” that I wanted to take. I grabbed a bag and started putting a change of clothes for both Andy and I, make up, my camera, lap top, I grabbed a few swaddles, a hat, a Newborn Outfit, and more. I was sure I was forgetting something but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what.
Andy got home and changed and we got in the Jeep Wrangler and headed for the hospital. My jeep was full of Relay Stuff, literally…only a driver could fit. I was still nearly crying. My face was probably red and stuffy and my hair, who knows what it looked like.
We got to Logan Regional Hospital just before 2 pm and headed up to the 2nd Floor to Labor and Delivery. The Tech that checked us in was Colley. I knew a few of the workers there since my sister worked in that department. I told Colley that I was super nervous that I just peed my pants instead of my water breaking. Only it was for an hour straight. She joked that if it turned out that I peed they would just give me some depends and send me on my way. Oh man. I was in for a real awakening if that happened. I was going to be SOO embarrassed.
They checked us into our room. Hooked me up to the monitors, did some paperwork, registration called up. Finally it was time to determine if my water had broke. The nurse, Ruth, showed us these HP looking strips that can tell the composition of amniotic fluid vs urine. If it’s Amniotic fluid it’ll turn blue. She checked and immediately said yup, your water broke. I was a little relieved but then nervous too. That meant today really was the day. A few minutes later Colley came in and was excited to say, Stacey, you didn’t pee your pants! We all got a good laugh.
They were going to notify Dr Blackett’s office and turns out she was currently up there in a delivery so they’d notify her when she was out. They pulled the ultrasound cart in to see where he was positioned. I knew he was still breech because we had just checked on Thursday and I didn’t think there was any way he could have moved since then. Sure enough his head was still lodged in my upper right rib area and feet were down on the left side. That meant we’d likely need a C Section. I had ate some toast at about 11 am so they were thinking we’d have to wait to deliver at 6 pm.
Dr Blackett came in and checked on us a little while later and talked to us about the C Section. Andy and I were both ok with it. We decided to start at 5:30 pm. She was going to head back to her office and then come up to deliver.
We sent some text message updates to our families and waited. A little while later the staff came in and said Dr Blackett wanted to move it up to about 4:30. I updated our Photographer so she could make sure she was there in time. We also called Shayna and invited her to come be apart of the delivery if she wanted to. She wasn’t scheduled to work but Dr Blackett said we could have her be in the delivery if we wanted her there.
At about 4:15 they started getting Andy and Amber’s scrubs ready. Dr Blackett was running a little late so we were all ready when she arrived. We ended up heading to the operating room just before 5 pm.
The operating room was cold but familiar. I’d shot birthstories in this same room before. Only this time my nerves were way more outta control. I wasn’t freaking out but I was nervous. The Nurse walked Andy and I to the side of the bed. I sat on the bed and Andy sat in a chair in front of me. We stayed there until the spinal block was in. Then they helped me lay down. I got Oxygen to help me breath and Andy sat at my head. I remember asking Andy, “Are they going to put a curtain up?” He wasn’t sure. I was a little nervous if they didn’t. I could see the reflection in the light above me for where they’d be making the incision. That wasn’t something I wanted to watch on myself. Though, I have watched it on others. A few minutes later they were nearly ready and the blue curtain went up. A relief.
Once they were ready Dr Blackett tested a few spots to make sure I couldn’t feel anything and then they began. Andy stood up and watched the entire thing. Continuously checking on me to see if I was ok. Apparently, baby Fro didn’t want to make it easy and they had a hard time getting to his head. So instead he came out feet first. And even then didn’t want to pull his head out. Turns out the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times. Not tight but it was there. Once he was out and they cleared his nose I heard his first little whimper of a cry. He was here. They walked him around the curtain so we could take our first look at him. He was so cute. They moved him to the stand and started to clean him up and do their checks. They put the CPAP machine on him for about 13 minutes to help with his lungs but other than that he was healthy. He weighted 4 lbs 13 oz and was 16 inches long. Born at 5:22 pm
Andy got to watch them clean him up and stand over by him. I’m thankful for which ever nurse or tech moved the angle of the curtain so I too could watch from where I was laying. I could hear Shayna’s voice counting tools/equipment.
Once they were all done and baby was wrapped they handed him to Andy. He walked him over and introduced him to mom. I couldn’t believe it. He was finally here and healthy. We sat and looked at him for a few minutes while they finished cleaning up the C Section. Then they moved me to the bed and handed baby over to mom for the walk (in my case a ride) to our Labor and Delivery room. That’s where we stayed for about 2 hours. Baby on my chest, and Andy by my side.
The Hansens, smitten by this new little miracle we worked so hard to bring into this world. Now, as I sit next to his crib watching him sleep and writing this all down, no amount of money we spent to make this little guy happen is a concern. No money would have prevented us from trying so hard to get pregnant. Fortunately for us, we were able to do this.
It was a long road to get here but I can defiantly say it was all worth it.
9 months Clomid
6 months Femarra
5 Rounds Injections
7 IUIs (Intrauterine Insemination)
3 Rounds IVF (InVetro Fertilization)
2 Miscarriages
1 Rough pregnancy
1 Healthy Beautiful baby boy
Hansen Logan Utah Birthstory

Hansen Logan Utah Birthstory
Photographer: Kylee Ann Studios
Studio Sessions are some of our FAVORITE! In our Studio, we control the lights, props, backdrops and even the temperature to an extent but we also offer in home newborn sessions! We have a full list of props and backdrops that we can travel with or you can come to us and have access to them all! There is an additional travel charge for in home sessions. In Home Sessions are also limited on Qty of props/backdrops we bring. Book your studio session to take full advantage of the props and supplies we have! Or go for the lifestyle look and we’ll come to you! Either way, we would LOVE to capture your newborn baby’s first professional photos.
Interested in session info? Contact us today!
435-770-8608 or [email protected]
www.staceyhansenphotography.com/blog or check out our Newborn Gallery!
Hansen Logan Utah Birthstory
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