The Tuesday Ten | Bizarre Holidays you may not know about!

Here’s a super fun and random Tuesday Ten post! This idea was submitted by Rikell Hammer. I actually had a lot of fun looking up some bizarre holidays and was AMAZED at how many Holidays are there. Nearly every day of the year is a holiday of some sort, and many have multiple holidays for a single day. So here are 10 Bizarre Fall Holidays you might not know about. (Information on these is from

16 – Step Family Day.
I actually kind of love the idea of this day.
Since I technically have a Step daughter it brings this close to home. This day
began on September 16, 1997 with a picnic in the park. It was established as a
way to “recognize and show appreciation for the importance and value of
step-parents and extended families.” Though this day is not a National holiday
as approved by an Act of Congress it is recognized by many.
18 – National Cheeseburger Day.
The cheeseburger is considered by many
“America’s Favorite Sandwich” so it’s only fitting to celebrate it with a
special day.
19 – International Talk like a Pirate Day.
It’s an international
holiday even! John Baur and Mark Summers created this day in 1995 while playing
racquetball and speaking like Pirates. It’s one of those “just for fun” days
but is actually legit. Do you have it in you to talk like a Pirate on Sept 19?
Ahoy, Matey!
4 – National Golf Day.
So I’m not a golfer myself but I know a lot of
people who are so I thought I’d share this holiday with you. National Golf day
is a major charitable event sponsored each year by the PGA (Professional Golf
Association). There is some confusion on the date though. Some golf sites say
this day is in May or June and calendar companies say it’s Oct 4. I say if you are an
avid golfer, celebrate it on both or any day you want. Go out to the range and enjoy 9 holes or
make it 18.
11 – Take your teddy bear to work day.
Seriously, there is a day for
this? Well, I can actually say I know some people who might follow suite and
take their teddy bear to work but most of us adults will not.
15 – National Clean your Refrigerator Day.
Interesting day right? From
the information I could find it was most likely started as a way to prepare and
make room for all the Thanksgiving/Holiday leftovers. Probably a good thought.
I tend to clean out my fridge often but now I will keep November 15th
open just for that.
12 – Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.
Well since November 12th
is a special day for me being my birthday I thought I’d see what bizarre
holiday I celebrate each year. Chicken Soup for the Soul days is a celebration
about you. It was created by Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises for
advertising or commercial reasons. They say “a Celebration of who you are,
where you’ve been, where you’re going, and who you will be thankful to when you
get there.”
30 – Stay at home because you are well day.
I actually laughed a little
when I read this one. This day is actually copyrighted by Their
reasoning is to call in “well” to work and just take a day off. The website I
was looking at had this Caution: “We recommend you use extreme caution and good
judgment. Following the concept of this day could get you reprimanded or cost
you your job. Participating in this day might not be the right thing for you to
do.” I hope we all actually know that for ourselves but sometimes it’s nice
just to have a day off. So if you’d like to take this day off maybe plan ahead
a little and use some vacation.
9.       December 12 – National Poinsettia Day.
I love Poinsettia’s. When I taught dance we’d do a fundraiser nearly every year
selling these beautiful flowers from a local greenhouse. Now I typically buy
one from one of the neighbor kids who’s fundraising for school or their
activity. I love the white/red/pink mixed. This holiday is actually declared a
national holiday by an Act of Congress in 2002 in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett who
died on December 12, 1851. He was the first Ambassador to Mexico. He brought
this beautiful and colorful flower back to his plantation in the US and then
grew them and gave them out as gifts. There is actually a website dedicated to this day at  

25 – National pumpkin pie day.
Most of us think of Christmas as the
holiday on the 25 of December but it’s also known as Pumpkin Pie day. Pumpkin
is one of America’s favorite pies. I was surprised this day was not in
conjunction with Thanksgiving. In researching this day I found that the peak
consumption of Pumpkin Pie begins with the fall harvest and actually lasts all
the way through Christmas. My grandma made some amazing pumpkin pies for the
holidays so I’m happy to celebrate this long with Christmas. 

About Stacey Hansen

I'm a 30 something year old wife, mom, step mom, dog mom and photog! I'm passionate about capturing your memories in the moment and creating a unique client experience for all to love.