Missing the Trail | Throw Back, Easter Jeep Safari

This year we aren’t able to go to Easter Jeep Safari and yes I’m totally missing it! Here are some pictures from last years Easter Jeep Safari on the day we went on our own just to browse. I just found these on my hard drive. I never even edited them so they are SOOC. (Straight out of Camera). 

This is Gemini Bridges. You can’t see it but I’m standing on an arch. The next two photos show it better. It’s kinda eerie walking across it! And to think they used to DRIVE over it! It’s blocked off so you can’t drive over it now but a jeep will barely fit, and I mean barely in some spots. 

The one day we did a trail later in the afternoon and got stuck behind a group making it up the last hill at dark. They had two vehicles with broken axles or parts so we stopped and help walk them and pull them out. In the dark. It was actually fun, and a different kind of challenge. I loved driving though!

About Stacey Hansen

I'm a 30 something year old wife, mom, step mom, dog mom and photog! I'm passionate about capturing your memories in the moment and creating a unique client experience for all to love.